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About the trap
EnviroSafe Fly Traps include our special Eco-Bait – a powerful and non-toxic bait which attracts a range of pest flies such as house flies, blowflies, and flesh flies. The flies then enter the trap and cannot escape.
Eco-Bait is specially formulated with non-toxic, food-grade ingredients and is incredibly effective in attracting flies to the trap.There are no chemical insecticides present.
EnviroSafe fly traps are entirely Australian-made and have been sold in Australia for over 20 years. The baits are made with non-toxic, food-grade Australian ingredients and the trap itself is Australian-made and has both a re-usable and recyclable trap body.Competitor traps are often imports made from low quality single use plastics, which are not recyclable and only add to the problem of landfill.
Fruit flies are not attracted to Envirosafe fly traps.
Yes, the Eco-bait is completely non-toxic.If you have pets, make sure you hang the trap securely as flies do carry disease and once the trap is full of flies, you will need to ensure your pets cannot get to it.
We don’t recommend feeding the contents of the trap to chickens or any live animals. There may be a bacteria from the rotting flies that may not be safe for the animals to consume.
Yes, EnviroSafe trap bottles are made from PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate with UV stabiliser) which can be placed in your yellow-lid bin for recycling at the end of its natural life.
The mosquitoes cann’t exit the trap. It is more likely that they too have drowned in the liquid which is why you see less of them in the afternoon. The insects generally try to exit through the clear sides of the trap and cannot easily find or get back out of the entry holes due to the inward protruding lip of the holes.

How it works
Pour the sachet of Eco-Bait into your EnviroSafe trap, add half a cup of warm water and mix
Hang your EnviroSafe trap outside, 1.5 – 2 m above ground, in a sunny position, sheltered
from strong winds. Check out our Installation guides for more tips on how to position the
The trap itself can be re-used numerous times. A few weeks after setting the trap, you may find that the trap is full of flies or has become too smelly. At this point, you will want to dispose of the contents of the trap and re-set the trap with a fresh Eco-Bait (see “How do I re-bait the trap?” above).
Place your EnviroSafe trap anywhere that flies might aggregate, for example near rotting vegetation such as a compost heap, or near a smelly rubbish bin. If you have chooks, you
can hang the trap near their shed, or anywhere animals roam and leave their droppings.
Don’t hang your EnviroSafe trap indoors. Place the trap outside, well away from your
entertaining area and house entry points to draw flies away from these areas.
Start trapping as soon as ambient daily temperatures reach about 20 o C. This is when flies
become active and begin reproducing.
For your average suburban house block, one trap should be enough to reduce your local fly
problem. If you have a large block with animals, you may want to set two or more traps. A
Jumbo trap is also available for areas with very big fly problems.
Avoid letting your trap dry out because it needs to stay wet to remain fully effective. You can
easily add water with a hose by directing it through the holes in the lid where the flies enter
the trap.
When your trap has aged and contains a lot of dead flies, it is normal for it to grow extremely
smelly. This additional smell will attract even more flies and if you have placed the trap well
away from outside living areas and doorways, this should not bother you. However, you can
reduce the smell by disposing of the flies and re-setting the trap.
You can purchase replacement Eco-Bait in handy three-packs or bulk buckets. To dispose of
caught flies, you can either dig a hole (at least spade depth) in the ground or in your
compost heap and bury the trap contents, or pour the contents into any waste container that
you were going to place in your rubbish bin. Wash out the trap thoroughly and follow the
steps in point 1 above.
As long as your trap is catching flies, you will want to keep your trap out and working for you.
When temperatures drop, or you are no longer catching flies, you can stop trapping and
store the trap for next season.

How to purchase
EnviroSafe Fly Traps are available at Bunnings, Mitre 10 and all leading hardware stores. They are also available at selected rural retailers like AIRR.