
Author Archives: admin

The Butterfly Effect: How a Warm Spring Accelerates Fly Population Growth 

Introduction  As winter fades and the country awakens from its slumber, the arrival of spring brings with it a symphony of life and renewal. And this spring is forecast to be one of the warmest we have seen in a long while!  Among the myriad of creatures that take advantage of the changing seasons, flies…

5 Fly facts you didn’t know!

Time moves more slowly if you’re a fly According to research, an animal’s perception of time depends on how quickly it can process sensory information. Flies process information more than 4 times faster than humans at 250 frames per second, compared to humans at 60. This means movements and events – including an incoming fly…

How to control flies in your house and yard – without using pesticides!

Flies are annoying, they carry disease and they seem to be everywhere – especially when the weather is warm, and you want to enjoy the outdoors! Flies populations can grow quickly, and when flies are everywhere it can be tempting to use harmful pesticides or fly spray to try to control an infestation. Luckily, there…